
Yad Mizrah will accept quality poetry, fiction, and non-fiction of any kind, with preference to works rooted in Sephardic and Mizrahi literary heritage, history, and culture. In addition, we also accept op-ed, book reviews, and visual art.

How to Submit: 

Send all submissions to as a Microsoft Word document. In your email, please write a brief cover letter about your background (who you are, previous publications, etc) and the piece you are submitting. Don’t forget to include a 3rd-person bio, two lines max! 


For poetry: Writers may include up to 3 poems in a single submission. 

For fiction/non-fiction: Up to 2500 words max. 

For op-ed: Up to 1500 words max. 

For book reviews: Up to 1000 words. 

For visual art and photography: Artists may include up to three works

in a single submission; send as a PNG file. 

Yad Mizrah does not currently offer payment to their contributors, although we hope to do so in the future